The heating device in the implants has a resistor and power-receiving coil made of magnesium, and the magnesium is wrapped in 'packet' of silk, keeping it safe and controlling its dissolution time. 植入物中的加热设备有一个电阻器和一个电力接收线圈,线圈是由镁制成的,而镁的外表又包裹了一层丝,这样既保证了安全又控制了其降解的时间。
Why is the heating coil placed at the bottom of an electric kettle? 为什么电水壶加热圈子要装在底部?
Extracted from the authors'new book on induction heating, this comprehensive overview of gear hardening includes sections on material selection, hardness patterns, coil design and heating modes. 本文摘自作者关于电磁感应热处理的新书,全面地概述了齿轮淬火,包括零件的材料选取、硬度模式、线圈设计和加热方式等。
According to heating at different targets, you can put the coil into different shapes. 根据加热对象不同,可以把线圈制作成不同的形状。
The utility model relates to a multifunctional therapeutic jar, which is composed of a jar body, a body inner piston, a piston lift-drop mechanism, a heating coil and a replaceable jar mouth. 多功能治疗罐由罐体、体内活塞、活塞提降机构,加热线圈和可更换罐口构成。
Heating or cooling coil. Coil type can be specified. 加热或冷却线圈。可指定线圈类型。
Induction heating system elements, including induction coil, an AC power source and the workpiece. 感应加热系统的基本组成包括感应线圈、交流电源和工件。
And the performance of the main heating equipment using in the two systems including heat pump and fan coil were analyzed. 并且分析了所使用的主要采暖设备热泵、风机盘管的性能分析。
The technology of hydraulic-electricity proportional valves have been one of the field in hydraulic transmission system, the paper states, the principle. application and improvement in the proportional hydraulic control system of stepped heating furnace and reforming and coil chamber. 电液比例技术已在液压传动及控制技术领域占有一席之地,文章着重介绍了天钢高线厂步进式加热炉及集卷芯棒液压比例阀控制系统的原理、应用及改进。
Based on a fundamental differential equation derived, the boundary conditions of heat flow output is discussed taking the influences of the space between heating coil and cooling nozzle into consideration. 首次分析了温度场中的热流输出边界条件,并考虑了加热线圈与冷却喷嘴间距的影响。
Introducing a middle-frequency inductive oven temperature monitoring system used for aluminum rod heating, it can detect the temperature of cooling water for the oven's inductive coil. 介绍一种大型中频透热炉的温度监控系统,具有对加热工件的温度检测及炉体感应线圈的冷却水温超限监测两项功能。
Development of Automatic Winding Machine of Steamed Aluminum Heating Coil 蒸铝加热线圈自动绕制机的研制
In the process of floating zone refining neodymium bar with induction heating, the electromagnetic forces exerted on floating melted zone of neodymium bar by high frequency current in induction coil were calculated. 计算了感应加热悬浮区熔提纯钕棒过程中,感应线圈中的高频电流作用在钕棒悬浮熔区上的电磁力。
The paper introduces a coating with high temperature resistance and insulating property for surface insulation process of electric heater coil of heating coil in automobile cigar lighter. 介绍一种能耐高温和绝缘的涂料及应用于汽车点烟器发热线圈电热丝表面绝缘处理工艺。
Inspection Process of Leakage of Return Water of Heating Coil in Oil Tank 油罐加热盘管泄漏回水检测工艺
In some induction heating process, induction coil is connected with power source through connecting power cable. 在某些特殊工艺的感应加热中,感应线圈需要通过延伸电缆与电源连接。
This paper describes the configuration of hardware and designation of software of system, especially emphasizes the solution of measurement of heating temperature and gap between coil and the top of rail. A BP artificial neural network based control strategy for the heating temperature is introduced. 给出了长钢轨双频淬火生产线微机测控系统的硬件组成和软件设计,重点阐述了加热温度和加热线圈与轨顶间隙的测量方案,提出了基于神经网络的加热温度控制策略。
Self bonding enamel wire has a bonding layer outside of the insulation layer, and simple heating allows the bonding of coil on to it. 自粘性复合漆包线的绝缘层外有一层粘结层,只需通过简单的加热就能使线圈粘结在一起。
Chilled water storage system with fan coil unit and heat pump unit terminals The Compare of Indoor Thermal Environment Based on Floor Heating and Fan Coil Heating 水蓄冷式末端盘管热泵机组空调系统地板采暖和风机采暖室内热环境的对比研究
Floor heating and fan coil heating experiments have been done in the same house, and the indoor thermal environment are simulated by CFD software, the results are compared, the conclusion that floor heating is more comfortable has been proposed. 并在相同的边界条件情况时用CFD软件对两种采暖方式下室内热环境进行模拟。分别通过实验结果和模拟结果来比较两种采暖方式的优劣,得出使用地盘管采暖更舒适的结论。
Research and design of transverse-flux induction heating coil in a welding power 焊接电源中横向磁通感应线圈的研究与设计
While using heating pattern, setting pipe coil in upper part of oil tier to heat crude. 采用加热方式时,可在沉降罐上部油层中设置加热盘管加热原油。
An Analysis on Water Hammer of Heating Coil of Heavy Oil Tank 重油储罐加热盘管水击分析及防治方法
Electromagnetic Fields of Induction Heating Coil 感应加热线圈中的电磁场
The 2D and 3D induction heating calculation model were set up, based on which the influences on the temperature distribution of the heating zone through different current, frequency, coil gap, distance between coil and workpiece, the eccentricity have been analyzed. 分别建立了感应加热的二维与三维计算模型。基于上述模型重点分析了加载电流,加载频率,线圈间距,线圈与工件距离以及偏心率对于加热区域温度分布的影响。
The work is as follows: 1. Based on Maxwell Equations research on the induction heating coil, using the electromagnetic theory the induced field of induction coil is calculated. The power of the induction coil is counted with a plate as the experimental sample. 2. 具体工作如下:1、基于麦克斯韦理论对感应加热线圈进行了研究,并根据电磁理论,推导出了线圈感应磁场的特点,基于板件为加热对象得到了感应线圈的加热功率。
The simulation result shows that the heating rate of the segmented helix coil heater is faster than that of the integrated heater. 模拟结果显示分段布置的螺旋盘管换热器比单层布置的螺旋管加热速度更快。
The effect of induction heating including the variation of frequency of the inductor, current intensity coefficient of the coil on temperature control was analyzed. 模拟分析了频率、线圈电流强度系数等参数对料筒温度控制的影响。
The design of heating part is the heating coil which winding setted near the ground. It can improve the temperature of greenhouse, but also to maintain the soil. 采暖部分的设计选用的是靠近地面迂回铺设的加热盘管,在提高温室温度的同时,也可以维持土壤温度。
The results showed that: the average temperature of induction heating zone is basically linear with the applied current and frequency. Besides, it increases as the coil gap and distance between coil and workpiece decreases. 研究表明:加热区域平均温度与加载电流及加载频率基本呈线性关系,随着线圈间距以及线圈与工件距离的减小而增大。